The Austrian Ceramic Society (AucerS) was founded in November 2011 by Univ.Prof. Dr. Robert Danzer from Montanuniversität Leoben and Ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Klaus Reichmann from Graz University of Technology as a non-profit organisation.
According to its statutes the society has the given purpose and will execute the following activities:
• Promotion of students and young scientists in the field of ceramics.
• Promotion of research and development in the field of ceramics.
• Promotion, support and organisation of activities like workshops, meetings and conferences
• Representation of the above mentioned purposes in international organisations.
Currently the Austrian Ceramic Society composed by 50 full members and 30 student members, as well as ten company members. With this society Austria is full member of the European Ceramic Society (ECerS) since 2012. This is an important step towards improved international networking of the Austrian members and enhanced access to the ECerS programs and workshops for students and young scientists.