Our 13th annual meeting and general assembly will be held on April 3, 2025 in the Arnold Schmidt Room of Vienna University of Technology Gußhausstraße 27-29, 1040 Wien.
In the frame of this meeting the student speech contest of the Austrian Ceramic Society will take place. With this contest, our Society honors outstanding young scientists from the field of ceramic sciences.
The lecture is to be held in English on a topic from the own research work. Eligible are students from the field of materials science / ceramics studying/working in an Austrian university or research institution, whose final thesis dates back no more than one year. Doctoral candidates can take part if the doctorate has not yet been completed or the final examination took place after September 1, 2024. The speaking time is 15 minutes, followed by questions from the jury and the auditorium.
Contributions with title, name of the lecturer, name and address of the research institution and a short abstract of maximum 400 words should be sent to the chairman and coordinator of the lecture competition Klaus Reichmann until March 14, 2025 by e-mail (k.reichmann@tugraz.at). The criteria for the ranking comprise the general organization of the presentation, the scientific and technical level, the quality of the oral and visual presentation, the fluid and clear expression as well as knowledge and discussion capability.
The Austrian Ceramic Society awards the following prizes for the three best-scored presenters:
1st place: 500, - EUR
2nd place: 300, - EUR
3rd place: 200, - EUR
The presenter ranked in the first place will be nominated as the Austrian representative for the Student Speech Contest of the European Ceramic Society, which will be held at the 19th ECerS Conference in Dresden from August 31 to September 4, 2025.
Information regarding the agenda of the general assembly will follow together with the program of the student speech contest.